Stage 1

Wagering Type

10 Free Spins
Free Spins

Wagering Amount


Game Type

Medium Variance Slot
96% RTP


3 Seconds Per Spin


Estimated Value

Overall EV of this offer over over 2,000,000 runs of this simulation

Bust Rate

The probability of this offer ending early due to balance reaching 0

Gain Rate

The probability of finishing this offer in profit

Drain Rate

The probability of finishing this offer with a loss

Average Time Taken

The average time it will take to complete this offer
30 seconds

Maximum Time Taken

The maximum time it will take to complete this offer
30 seconds

Cash Per Hour

The effecting £/hour rate factoring average time taken and EV of this offer

Average Wagering

The average amount of wagering required to complete this offer

Probability Calc

There is a % chance of completing this offer with a profit of £ or higher