Odd question considering this post is on EVCalc? Yes and no! As the name implies the main function of the site is for calculating the EV of offers which has, apart from using a basic calculator rather than a simulator, been out of reach or confusing for people newer to the casino world and as such the value of having such a tool available is sometimes questioned.
If you are happy being limited to the offers you find in the calendar belonging to your website of choice and their estimated values then all likelihood no, you don't need EVCalc.
No, EVCalc doesn't contain a list of offers for you to view, it is designed as more of a supplementary tool for those that are taking the next steps in casino and would like to expand beyond just those offers, tweak offers to better suit their preferences and calculate EV of offers found manually.
You would be surprised how often offers are posted which are calculated incorrectly, and sometimes not by a small amount! There are sites that always calculate EV using the same RTP regardless of the slots involved, there are sites that suggest strategies that don't make sense from a risk or EV perspective, some omit offers that they deem not suitable for 'their' userbase, there are sites which just plain calculate offers wrong. The difference between the 'true' EVs and the ones provided to you can often be enough to swing you from thinking an offer isn't worthwhile to thinking it is and vice versa.
You also have the whole subject of optimising an offers EV. If you are not aware of how EV and profit are linked please read this and understand that extracting as much EV as you can from every single offer where possible will ultimately net you more cash in your account. If you could get £1 more EV out of your daily offers that's £30 more per month which more than pays for an EVCalc subscription. This isn't an uncommon occurrence, any offer where you are wagering a bonus and can bust out can be optimised in some way and sometimes by as much as £10-£20!
What about those offers that you see in your inbox or on websites all the time but aren't mentioned on your usual offer calendar? Do you do them and risk it being a negative EV offer or do you pass them up and risk what could potentially be an extremely good offer?
Some of the best offers are kept out of public view for fear of them being saturated and ruined for the people who do know about them. For example there was an offer earlier in 2019 that had an EV of over £1000 that only a select few people knew about until the very last time it was ran... don't assume an offer isn't worthwhile if a calendar doesn't say so, EVCalc will give you the power to decide for yourself.
All of the above is disregarding that EVCalc isn't a one trick pony. You will also have access to our dedicated casino profit tracker (with more statistics than you could ever need) and the ability to share simulated offers with a couple of clicks.
Even if you still don't feel that EVCalc is right for you we still hope you find use of our great community of users that are actively sharing offer statistics in chats, groups and websites which will always be free for anybody to view... EVCalc was made by the casino community, for the casino community